Detailed instructions on how to check Facebook ad text
I. What is the 20% Text Check for Facebook Ads?

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II. Levels of Image Text Evaluation for Facebook Ads
The ideal text coverage ratio for Facebook ad images is 20%. Facebook’s algorithm checks the image by dividing it into small squares. It then counts the number of squares containing text and evaluates the result based on the following levels:
- Ok: If your text coverage is evaluated as “OK,” it means the text amount is acceptable. Your ad image will be displayed as usual, without restrictions.
- Low: When your ad image is evaluated as “Low,” it means the text coverage slightly exceeds the acceptable limit. The image will still be displayed, but there may be some limitations on how it interacts with users.
- Average: If the ad image is evaluated as “Average,” its reach will be significantly reduced. A large text coverage on the image may make it look cluttered or could even be flagged as spam.
- High: If the ad contains a large or very large amount of text, it will be evaluated as “High.” This means the image will face many limitations in reaching users. Worse, if the text is too dense and flagged as spam, the image will not be displayed at all.

III. What are the errors and exceptions when checking Facebook text?

To determine text coverage, the algorithm needs to recognize what constitutes text within the ad image. Below is a list of items that the algorithm identifies as text in the image:
- Numerical data
- Alphabetic characters: These characters may be altered in terms of writing style or size, but as long as they are alphabetic characters, they will be flagged as text.
- Watermarking
However, there are certain exceptions where the algorithm does not consider text in Facebook ad image evaluations:
- Infographics
- Text on book covers or album covers
- Product images (the image must show the full product)
- Posters for movies, festivals, events, and game shows
- Legal documents (e.g., terms and conditions)
- Text on phone screenshots
- Charts and graphs
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IV. How to Check Text in Facebook Ads
With the regulation on text coverage, many ads on Facebook’s newsfeed have been removed. As a result, advertisers, specifically investors, need to check whether their ad images comply with Facebook’s policies. To meet this need, several tools have been developed to help with the process.
The general rule for checking 20% text on Facebook is quite simple. An image is divided into 25 equal squares (5×5). Any square containing text, even if it’s just a small part, is counted. The evaluation ratio is 1 square equals 4%. You can check this using several methods. Below are three ways to check
1. Check with Facebook Text Overlay Tool

1.1. How to Perform the Check
The process of checking text in Facebook ads is quite simple. Just follow the steps below:
Step 1: Go to the following link to access Facebook’s Text Overlay tool:
Step 2: Click the “Upload” button in the interface.
Step 3: Choose the image file you want to check the text percentage for.
Step 4: After uploading, the tool will return an evaluation result for your image. As mentioned, the image will be assessed in 4 levels: OK, Low, Medium, and High. If the image receives a green check mark, it means it’s OK and suitable for display. If the image receives a yellow warning sign, it means the text coverage is over 20%.
Once you receive the result, you can adjust the text in the image to comply with Facebook’s guidelines. Additionally, you can use other methods to pass the algorithm check.
1.2. Tips to Pass Facebook Text Overlay
If you have a lot of content that needs to be displayed but want to avoid exceeding the 20% text coverage, you can apply the following methods:
- Consolidate text into one area: Focus the text in a specific section of the image. This reduces the space taken up by the text and also makes the layout look cleaner and more sophisticated.
- Filter essential information: Only include the most crucial information to attract customers. Avoid adding unnecessary details that aren’t specific to the product, as they could clutter the image and take up more space. Keeping the important details will make it easier to catch the customer’s attention.
- Reduce the text size: You can adjust the font size and arrange the text to ensure the coverage stays under 20%. However, avoid making the text too small or setting all the text to the same size. Focus on keeping key information, like the brand name, product, and benefits larger, and make the less important details smaller.
- Leverage exceptions: As mentioned earlier, you can use specific exceptions to pass Facebook’s check. Use image editing tools to place less important information in areas considered exceptions, such as product images or infographics.

2. Using Websites to Check Facebook Ad Text
In addition to using the tool provided by Facebook, you can also use other websites to check the text coverage of your Facebook ads. One convenient and user-friendly website for checking 20% text coverage is The steps for checking are similar to those of the Facebook Text Overlay tool.
Steps to Check:
- Visit the following link: - Click on “Browse” and select the image you want to check. The image will appear in the box below.
- Click on the boxes that contain text. On the left side, the results will be shown. If the number of boxes selected is less than or equal to 5, the image will pass the check.
However, a significant limitation of this website is that it does not have artificial intelligence (AI) technology to automatically check and provide results like Facebook does. Therefore, the accuracy of this tool may not be as high as Facebook’s service.
3. Manually Checking Facebook Ad Text
In case you cannot connect to the internet, you can manually check the 20% text coverage. Since this method does not use an algorithm, its accuracy is limited.
Steps to Check Manually:
- Download a .png file that contains 25 square boxes and save it to your device.
- Overlay the downloaded image onto your ad image and adjust it to fit the image size. You’ll need to know how to use photo editing software. The simplest tools are MS PowerPoint and Adobe Photoshop.
- Check which squares contain your text. Each square represents 4% of the total image area. Count the number of squares with text and multiply by 4%. If the total is less than or equal to 20%, your image is likely to pass Facebook’s algorithm.
The accuracy of this manual method depends on how carefully you observe and count the squares containing text. Therefore, it is still recommended to double-check with Facebook’s tool to be sure about the result.
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V. How is Facebook’s 20% Text Check Now?